INFO : Soami Ji in Germany!
Soami Divyanand-initiating into the meditation
of inner light and sound experience (Surat-Shabd-Yoga)
is coming on European tour again. His own Master was
Sant Kirpal Singh.
Dates for seminars in Saegestr.37,79793 Herrischried,
near Todtmoos in the black-forest of southern Germany
are: Oct.: 12.,13.,19.,20.,26.,27.
Nov.: 2.,3.,9.,10.,16.,17.,30.
Dec.: 1.,7.,8.,14.,15.,21.,22.
Announce your coming by Fax so that food and lodging can
be organized (+49-7764-6660) Seminars last 1 whole day,
comprise 1-2 lectures, Meditation and private talks and
are free.
Dates for lectures in Freiburg/Germany and Switzerland:
Oct. 18th 19:30, Zunfthaus zu Webern, Gerechtigkeits-
gase 68, CH 3011 Bern,
Oct. 25th 19:30, Hotel Freienhof, Turmsaal, Freihofgasse
3, CH 3600 Thun
Nov. 8th 19:00, Alte Universität, Theatersaal, D-7800 Freiburg
Nov. 13 th,19:30, Zentrum Karl der Grosse, Kirchgasse 14,
CH-8001 Zuerich.
Lectures are always in English AND German and admission
is free. You are welcome for listening or to mail questions!
Not reformers wanted but such ones who want to reform themselves
(Kirpal Singh)