Re: ARTICLE : Sikh view of Hinduism
To: soc-religion-hindu@uunet.uu.net
Subject: Re: ARTICLE : Sikh view of Hinduism
From: mpt0002@jove.acs.unt.edu (Michael Tandy)
Date: 8 Oct 1996 03:39:01 GMT
Newsgroups: soc.religion.hindu
Organization: University of North Texas
References: <ghenDxL7Jt.L4J@netcom.com> <ghenDy9FtM.80J@netcom.com> <ghenDyL5Bn.sx@netcom.com> <ghenDyotKL.46D@netcom.com> <ghenDytHwo.EB5@netcom.com>
In article <ghenDytHwo.EB5@netcom.com>, shrao@nyx.net says...
>Shruti is supposed to be of one quality, and unified in its purport.
In other words, "akhilamnayaika-vedyo harih;" only Lord Krishna
is to be understood in all the Vedic literatures. The Lord also
personally confirms this for us in the Gita (15.15), "vedais ca
sarvair aham eva vedyah," "I alone am to be known by all the
Vedas," and "vedanta-krd veda-vid eva caham," "I wrote the Vedanta,
and in fact only I alone understand the Vedas." Because of this,
whatever Krsna says is itself sastra, which is why his words are
still revered and carefully studied worldwide, even 5,000 years
after He spoke them.
Hare Krsna,