
Re: ARTICLE : Shankara and Vaishnavism, etc (was ...)

Ramakrishnan Balasubramanian <rbalasub@ecn.purdue.edu> wrote in article

> The simple fact is that they were not vaishnavas to begin with, nor were
> shavites nor were they shaktas. The simple fact is that advaitins have
> customs from all sects, just because they accept some vaishnava customs,
> does not mean they are vaishnavas. Further in the aalaaTashaanti
> sha.nkara says some of the reasonings of the viGYaanavaadis are quite
> that does not make him a buddhist.

This is completely correct.  I for instance usually attend a mandir of the
Vaishnava Pushti Marg sect.  I've said Bhagavat katha there.  I use the
tradional Gujarati greeting Jai Shri Krishna and I observe Ekadashi more
stringently than most Vaishnavas I know.  Yet our kuladevata is Bhagavati
Randalamba and my personal preference is to pray to Shiva Bhagavan to whit
I wear a Rudraksha mala and tripundra.  For the Smarta what is important is
to follow Dharma as laid down in Shruti, Smriti, and Shistachara.  Whatever
or whoever makes our practice of Dharma stronger is ok by us.  That is the
approach we take to Buddhism.  The religious aspect of Buddhism is utterly
heretical and we pay it no mind.  But certain Buddhist scholars made
impressive contributions to philosophy (particularly in tarkashastra) and
there is nothing wrong in acknowledging it.  After all does anyone here
refer to themselves as a "pracchanna yehuda" because Einstein the father of
modern physics was Jewish?

Jaldhar H. Vyas [jaldhar@braincells.com]  o-   beable      .-_|\
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