Re: ARTICLE : The third eye
shrao@nyx.net (Shrisha Rao) wrote:
> Thank you.
Mention not!
> > I believe, mantra drashtaas also have darshan of the Shruti mantras and also
> > of their apaurusheyatva, and indeed mantra drashtaas are to be believed
> > because that very Shruti acknowledges their honesty and integrity.
> That's just your belief, and has nothing to do with the doctrines of
> either Vivekananda or Madhva (not the latter's, especially, since that
> argument is specifically denounced as non-sustainable therein). For
> that reason, it is not appropriate under the rubric of "About
> Vivekananda's tantra vs. Madhva's dvaita" which you chose.
I know that rules and regulations mean quite a bit to you, but I am no expert
in conforming to USENET etiquette (as you are well aware of), but I expect
that your good self overlook this mixing of headings and discussions. If I
gather correctly, there was a significant bit of discussion in SRV between you
and Kesavan Potty, and the above was what I gathered from your posts. Of course,
I could be wrong, (as I have seen that you are not quite comfortable with
Occam's razor and thus the reader has a lot of work to do) in which case you
are most probably going to point out circular reasoning. In any case, those
three lines are not what I was interested in. It was the portion that followed.
Thank you for the clarifications anyway!!