
Re: ARTICLE : What worth is Braahminism?

Sourav (sourav@hotmail.com) wrote:
: Jaldhar H. Vyas <jaldhar@braincells.com> wrote:

: [...]
: > Possibly.  Brahmanhood is purely a matter of birth not morality.  A Brahman
: > becomes a dvija and entitled to practice Dharma through the ritual of the
: > Yagnopavit Sanskara.

: If you have access to "Vajra Suuciikaa" upanishad, then please refer to it.
: It is not  a very long upanishad. It has tried to examine what is it that
: confers braahminhood. One possibility examined is that of birth which is
: ...
I came in the middle of this discussion - but there is an interesting conversation on
the above subject in the Mahabharata.  Near the end of their stay in the forest, Bhima
gets siezed by a Boa ... and Yudhisthira finds him.  The Boa asks Yudhisthira the same
question "Now, who is a brahmin, king, and what may he know, Yudhisthira? Speak up, for
from your words we gather that you are very wise!"

Yudhisthira answers that (and I summarize) birth is obscure and hard to ascertain among
mankind and that a person in whom truthfulness, liberality, patience, deportment,
mildness, self-control and compassion are found is a brahmin. 

Sethu R.Rathinam       rathinam@netins.net    rathinam@MaBell.com   rathinam@ia.net

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