Re: ARTICLE : Shankaracharya and the Bhagavat Purana
Jaldhar H. Vyas wrote:
> doubt they can't actually prove anything so this is kutarka to be ignored.
> As a final point, he offers a quote from Gaudapadacharya to whom he
> attributes a commentary on the Uttaragita "Taduktam bhagavate teshamasau
> kleshala eva shishyate nanyadyatha sthulatushavadhatinam" (which is
> Bhagavat 10.14.4) He says if the paramguru of Shankaracharya knew of the
> Bhagavatapurana, how could Shankaracharya himself not know of it?
The sha.nkaran tradition itself attributes nothing other than the
kaarikaa and a work on tantra to gauDapaada. I forget the name of this
work, but can look it up if you wish. This quote is probably nothing
other than the usual fanciful claims by some vaishnava groups with
vested interests.