ARTICLE : What worth is Braahminism?
Jaldhar H. Vyas <jaldhar@braincells.com> wrote:
> Possibly. Brahmanhood is purely a matter of birth not morality. A Brahman
> becomes a dvija and entitled to practice Dharma through the ritual of the
> Yagnopavit Sanskara.
If you have access to "Vajra Suuciikaa" upanishad, then please refer to it.
It is not a very long upanishad. It has tried to examine what is it that
confers braahminhood. One possibility examined is that of birth which is
rejected. After bringing out several possible alternatives and consistently
rejecting them based on some analysis, it concludes that a braahmin is one
who is fixed in brahman. It gives examples of Vashistha, Bharadvaaj,
Vishvaamitra and so on. As far as I remember, it said one of them was the
son of Urvarshi -- a society girl.
Birth is an important factor because the possibility of braahmins generating
offsprings which are braahmins is more than those of other varnas. But if
one has degraded from the characteristics by which the braahmins are to conduct
themselves (Bhagavad Gita -- chapter on three modes of material nature), then
he can scarcely be called brahmin. For example some of the qualities are :-
samah - equanimity, damah - self control, tapah - penance, sauchyam -
cleanliness, kshaantir - kindness, aarjavam - religiousness etc.
Shudras are not entitled to Shruti and thus to the yagyas prescribed, but
they are eligible to itihaas and puraanas. Srimad Bhagavad Giitaa is a part
of Mahaabhaarat which is itihaas. Srimad Shankara has specifically written
that Sri Krishna is the cowherd who has milked the essence of the Srutis in
the Bhagavad Giitaa for the calf - Arjuna. Thus Srimad Bhagavad Giitaa is
the essence of Srutis. What is the essence?
Sarva dharmaan parityajya maam ekam sharanam vraja
aham tvaam sarva paapebhyo makshayishyaami maa sucha
On grounds of this Sri Hari leaves one sacrifice open for everybody - Surrender
unto the Supreme Lord Hari. There is no greater sacrifice than this. This is
the sacrifice which makes even the most sinful man, a saadhu (Bhagavad giita,
verse 9.30). Other sacrifices are just means of entanglement (Mundaka upanishad)
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