Re: Animal-Killing, and Soul-Merging Condemned
In article <4fecsb$7k3@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
Gary Stevason <caitanya@torfree.net> wrote:
> There are various kinds of avataras, such as purusavataras,
> gunavataras, lilavataras, sakty-avesa avataras, manvantara-avataras
> and yugavataras--all
>Somewhere else Lord Jesus is described as a sakty-avesa avatara or
>empowered incarnation descending to fulfill a particular mission.
A sakty-avesa is by definition a jiiva; that's the important thing
to remember here. He can be a guru and a devotee, but he is not God
>It is such a sad pastime. :~-(
Not really; "gatasun agatasums ca | nanusocanti panditah" -- the
wise do not lament for the living or the dead. If Jesus was a great
devotee, then he was undoubtedly heading for a higher place.
-- Vijay