
Re: Animal-Killing, and Soul-Merging Condemned

In article <4fecqp$7jl@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
Giri <gmadras@pinto.engr.ucdavis.edu> wrote:
>vijaypai@mandolin.rice.edu (Vijay Sadananda Pai) writes:

>>The same applies for anyone who claims that Prabhupada referred to Jesus
>>as an incarnation of Krishna; if they want to make a claim, they should
>>provide a reference.

>here is a section from his posting on alt.meditation titled 'bhakti'.
>It was posted in December. I am sure you can get it DejaNews etc.

I couldn't find it in Dejanews or Altavista. However, whatever this
guy wrote is, in short, false. My name-dropping theory was indeed
correct. Let me show you why:

>Srila Prabhupada specifically said
>of Christ 'He is our guru'

this is true; Prabhupada said that _anyone_ teaching devotion to God is
his guru

>This is becaus
>He recognized Him as the Only Begotten Son of God (Vedic Knowledge, the Word,
>Brahma, the first and the last) as is written:

Prabhupada _never_ said "Only Begotten Son of God" to refer to Jesus (nor,
for that matter, would he have wanted "He" and "Him" to refer either to himself
or to Jesus). In fact, I was just reading in _Back To Godhead_ (the magazine
of ISKCON) a little while ago that Prabhupada was having a meeting
with Christian leaders and asked them something like "Why do you say
'God our Father in Heaven', and then turn around and say that Jesus is the
only son of God?"

>Srimad Bhagavatam specifically calls Christ by name in the last mentioned Incarn
>of the Lord (First Canto, 3rd Chapter verse 25):
>"...become the Son of Visnu Yas'aa (prounounced Yas'hua, identically the given
>Aramaic name of Jesus) ..".  Which, when transliterated becomes : "Son of God Je

More misleading propaganda. This verse speaks of _Kalki_ and says he is
the son of Vishnu-yasha -- Vishnu-yasha is a _single_ name and refers to
the father of Lord Kalki. Whichever Christian missionary said this most
certainly has not read the Bhaagavatam. Srila Prabhupada _very clearly_
spoke of the person in this verse as Kalki and said he is yet to come
(unlike Jesus, who has already passed)

>>I have no idea who said such things on alt.meditation, but it clearly
>>wasn't anyone who has read Prabhupada's books; it is, in all likelihood, a
>>case of "name-dropping",

>	I did not jump to any conclusion. I clearly say that I am not sure
>whether they are ISKCON members or not.

Well, after reading, I am rather sure that they are not. 

>	Sure, I have signed off with "hare krsna" It is not copyrighted
>is it :-)

No, but just as Ramakrishnan Balasubramaniam assumed that something
written by the Gaudiya Vaishnava Society was ISKCON material, someone
else might jump to a similar conclusion based on the words "Hare Krsna"




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