
Re: Animal-Killing, and Soul-Merging Condemned

Vijay Sadananda Pai (vijaypai@mandolin.rice.edu) wrote:
: In article <4fecsb$7k3@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
: Gary Stevason <caitanya@torfree.net> wrote:

: >It is such a sad pastime.   :~-(

: Not really; "gatasun agatasums ca | nanusocanti panditah" -- the
: wise do not lament for the living or the dead. If Jesus was a great
: devotee, then he was undoubtedly heading for a higher place.

Actually my sadness comes from the fact they we killed him - that we can 
be so blind.

THE RADMAN . . . . . . . . . Gary Stevason .... www.bhi90210.com/Athens/2108
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deliver you from all sinful reaction.  Do not fear."  --  God, Bhagavad-gita

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