
Re: Atmaa : Do I have one ?

Roy Raja (rajaroy@ecf.toronto.edu) wrote:
: In article <4fbmpn$9qg@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
: N. Tiwari <ntiwari@rs3.esm.vt.edu> wrote:
: >Let us see. Since the time, I became aware of myself (birth)
: >my body has changed its shape and size. Yet, I have existed.
: >So, I is not the form of the body.

:   This brings up some fascinating questions? Am I the same all
:   the time? Don't I change with new experiences?
:   Also where am I ? Am I in my body, or even outside my body? 
:   Am I somewhere in my body, or all over my body? Do I grow in
:   size when the body grows?

Who knows. Atleast I do not know. The scriptures say:
No. You do not. Since you are the unchanging one. And
no one can really prove or disprove it. It is a matter
of proving to your ownself. By an experiential process.

On a somewhat tangential note:

Consider a specie. It is living pretty well. Now we
have some major climatic changes. And the specie
adapts in a major way for survival purposes. Say,
earlier the specie was vegetarian. Now it eats
meat. Earlier, it was aquatic. Now is is terrestrial.
The question is: Did the specie actually survive.
Or did it die.

The threshold you are alluding about, is beyond argument
and reason. Atleast to me. The journey of darshan starts

: >
: >What about my memory. That which call software. I know that
: >I have forgotten lots of things. Some things still remain
: >in my sub_conscious. Some things remain in my conscious.
: >But the contents of these two memory banks, have gone 
: >thru repeated deletions, additions, and modifications. And
: >yet I KNOW THAT I AM THE SAME. So, my memory is not I.

:    How do I know that I am the same? It is really difficult
:   to claim that, since I don't know myself. 

Yes. So, know thyself. That is the pre-requisite. Till 
then, it is all academic.  

: >
: >Having rid of the psycho-somatic (pshyco == memory, emotions)
: >(somatic == body) aspectes of myself, whatever is left is
: >may be partly I. 

:    The crucial question is : Is there anything left if I get rid 
:  of psycho-somatic aspects of myself?

That is an interesting question. The Vedic Hindus said yes. However,
I think that Charvaaka and other materialists (and Buddhists) said:
"The notion of Self, is an outcome of the special mix of the material
and psychological identities." The moment you destroy this mix,
Self ceases to exist. Now that was a wonderful argument. Nevertheless,
it could not be proved. (Neither the opposite has been). But, that
argument DID give the Vaidik Indians a lot to ponder, a lot to think.

The question remains unanswered even till todate.

Nachiketa Tiwari

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