
Re: Why can't Hindus eat beef?

shiinw@pi.net wrote:
>In article <4fecs7$7k1@babbage.ece.uc.edu>, <kvenkata@cse.unsw.edu.au> writes:
>> > 
>> > I'm Hindu (not a good Hindu, though).
>> > I was asked by my friend if Veda explisitly mentions that Hindu may not
>> > eat beef. I couldn't answer that question, because I really don't know.
>> > Does somebody know the answer? If so, could you write the explanation
>> > for me?
>> > 
>>   As far I know, the Rig Veda, in one of it's many stanzas clearly
>> prohibits the killing of cows stating that killing a cow is equivalent
>> to killing a Brahmin.
>That knowledge is not good enough sir, as a little knowledge is
>a dangerous thing.
>I can, if you want give you a photocopy from a veda, that clearly
>Beef must be eaten at weddings

Hello, here are the references  for not killing the cow:
In the Vedas the cow is called "aghnya", "not to be killed"

"duhAmashvibhyAm pago aghneyam sA vardhatAM mahate saubhagAya" 
-Rig Veda 1.164.27
It means" may this inviolable cow yield milk for both the Asvins and may 
she prosper for our good fortune"

"gAm mA hiMsIraditaM virAjam" Yaj. Veda 13.42
"The cow is illustrious and inviolable. Do not kill her"

"priyaH pashUnAm bhUyAsam" Ath. Veda 17.1.4
"May I be dear to all animals"

The vedas have always proclaimed "ahimsA paramo dharmaH" There is no 
question about not killing the cows. It is a distortion to say that beef 
be served at weddings. 

I have any number of references from grihya sutras and puranas all of 
which prohibit the killing of cows. Sincerely yours,
-Narahari Achar

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