Re: Life on other planets?
In the article <4fj65q$kjo@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
of 10 Feb 1996 22:28:10 UTC,
Abdul Rahman Bihari <arbihari@quadcap.com> wrote:
> . . . I however agree that extra-terrestrial life is very likely
> (more likely yes than no), especially considering the recent
> discovery of planets ourside the solar system . . .
Yes, indeed. Scientists should keep in mind that carbonaceous
chondrites (about two percent of all meteorites that fall to Earth)
contain organic matter. In fact, about 0.1 percent of all the
matter which our planet has received during its history from space
has been organic. This is a very large amount when one considers
that all the organic matter now on Earth is only 0.0000001 percent
of Earth's total mass.
Jai Maharaj <jai@eskimo.com> Jyotishi, Vedic Astrologer
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