Re: ISKCON -- Please help with these terms
Ramakrishnan Balasubramanian <rbalasub@ecn.purdue.edu> writes:
>dkoch@sas.upenn.edu (Dave Koch) wrote:
>>Please help me to define these terms that relate to the ISKCON (Hare
>>Krishna) movement. I realize that there is a clear distinction between
>>Hindu and ISKCON, but since there is no Hare Krishna newsgroup I thought
>>that some people here might be knowledgeable about the Krishna Conciseness
>>movement. Since I donšt regularly read this group, pleas e-mail your
>>responses directly to me.
>The following responses are kind of tounge-in-cheek, but also reflects some of
>the posts which have appeared on srh and ah.
>>avatar (avatara)
>Any avatara of Vishnu=krishna. Any other avataara was sent by Vishnu to mislead
>people (especially people like me).
I don't understand what this means. If by misleading people you mean
the preaching of Advaita vedanta, how are the following reconciled :
1. Dattatreya was an incarnation of VishhNu [and Shiva and Brahma]. He did
preach the non-dual philosophy. The fact that Dattatreya was an incarnation
is mentioned in the puraaNa-s. If you don't believe that Dattatreya preached
a non-dual philosophy, read Avadhuta giitaa and/or tripura rahasya.
2. Anandagiri in his Tika notes that VishhNu appeared before gaudapada and
revealed to him the non-dual nature of the Brahman which prompted
gaudapada to write the karika on mandukya upanishhad.
One may argue that the tika of anandagiri was tampered with and he
really said no such thing. Is it also argued that Dattatreya was also not
an incarnation of the Trinity ? and all the verses in the puraaNa-s are
spurious ?