Re: Future Generations (was: Re: Artha Shastra)
Some netters have taken offence to my request for a (preferably) non-ISKON
translation of the Artha Shaastra.
Clarifications follow.
Did I say I would not read an ISKON version? NO. Although I did say I "prefer" a
non-ISKON version. Please, if an ISKON version is all you know about, I would like
to know the name of the book/web site.
Am I saying, as Vivek thinks that "I want to know about such-and-such, bot NOT if it
says the following"? NO. I am interested in facts(translation) first, purport next. I
have not made up my mind as to what the artha shastraa should be, but I do have made
up my mind as to what it CANNOT be(surrendering to Krishna/handed down by John).
Am I biased against ISKONians? YES. When it comes to translations, ISKON is accurate,
but their purport is usually , how shall I put it, too pro-krishna. In short, I am biased
against them because they are biased.
I care more about what is being said than who is saying it. But if I have to listen to
a person, whom I know to have a history of twisting facts, I tend NOT to have an open mind.
As to Gopal's comment about my calling ISKONians as fanatics:
This is how I have understood the word fanatic:
Fanatic: a person ,who having a viewpoint, steadfastly sticks on to it, fighting vigorously
attempts by anyone to convince hom/her of other viewpoints. This person also has a low
opinion of other's viewpoints, and forever tries to convince others of the superiority of
his/her viewpoints.
Try telling any ISKONian that, say, Gods Ganapathi or Narasimha are equal to Krishna, and
you will understand how my invective is well deserved.