
Re: Sai Baba and God

In an article about >Re: Sai Baba and God< Dhruba Chakravarti
<dchakrav@netserv.unmc.edu> wrote:
>sghosh@iitk.ernet.in wrote:

>: God is dimentionaly different. HE IS NOT CHEAP. Acharyas have warned not to
>: take God so cheaply. God is not hanging from a tree branch like a mango.
>: One is squezzzed to limits to realize God. Why cannot Sai Baba just say
>: that he is a follower of God. Then I have no grudges against him.

>Dear Souravbabu:

>God comes to this world as avatArA or AjAndeva, but it is possible for
>humans to become one with God, and he would be considered a karmadeva.
>Both of these are RigVedic terms. In the Gita, karmadevas are called
>sadAmuktas.  The Hindu way of knowing God is by being God, that happens by
>submitting the mental being (the ego sense) to God completely or yoga.
>This union with God can make anybody God.

Hey, I'm God, now you all listen to me..ok, it's a bad joke :)

But as for Sai Baba...I have seen 2 different, independant films about him..
In one he sais he IS God...yet in the other he sais he IS NOT...

So, he doesn't know what he is or is he just telling whatever that person
wants to hear ?

Most Sincerely, Prewien.

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