Courage , Ahimsa
I some times Wonder about the ruin of a great Nation Bharat
(Bha = light). We let ourselves invaded by many barbaric forces
including the turks , Arabs and the british. Are we loosing Our
courage in the name of Ahimsa . I am certainly happy we had put
forward the principle of Ahimsa to the world during our war of
Indipendence. Is it really a war. Did not the Bhagavat Gita declare
to defend yourself in need. I wonder what were the comments of
Sawami Vivekanada and other great souls who lived under the
british rule. Were they completely disinterested in the Independence struggle.
Infinite scriptures and Infinite Knowledge had been lost during those
barabaric Invasions of Arabs and british.
If there is any damage caused to any nation , the people fo that
nation take pride in destroying the troublesome nation which Invaded
them. Are there any Instances in the history where we took revenge.
I know bygone days are Bygone. Now we lament ourseleves with poverty
and say we have the precious AtmaVidya with Us. how practical is
AtmaVidya or Gnana. How can it help to conquer the poverty. The sage who
meditation himslef has to depend on some food for his survival.
And currently with the Semi Western Culture Invading the Nation, we see
that the so called moral values no more exist and we are left with
hypocracy all over. Is it not high time for us to do something. I know
effort is being done certainly to someextent but the end justifies the
mean . We need something Dynamic. Probbaly another Swami Vivekanada.
I really doubt what effect will he have at this moment of life. I was suprised
to find that most of my friends have just heard the name Vivekanada and had
never read any of his books. All of them are from India. They say he is not
for us. We do not want to take Sanyasa. Why is there a misunderstanding
in India between Philosphical , religion and Sanyasa. Who spead those
myths. Will the Sanatana Dharma be eastablished again?
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