Hindu University of America Announcement
<please direct queries to the addresses given below>
nominations and inquiries for
residential faculty for development of the Florida Campus of the University.
Hindu University is currently authorized to offer Masters' and Doctoral
programs in Hinduism, Yoga Philosophy and Meditation, Hindu Philosophies;
and Masters' programs in Ayurvedic Sciences, and Yoga Education. Presently
courses in Hinduism, Yoga Philosophy and Meditation, and Ayurvedic Sciences
are being taught by correspondence.
Resident faculty members on the Florida Campus will have the responsibility
for developing various academic programs, detailed curriculum and courses'
material development for both class-room instruction and distance learning
educational programs.
We are looking for qualified and experienced individuals dedicated to the
mission of the university, which includes providing the students with a
practical Vedic base for their spiritual development. Academic background
desired includes doctoral degree and/or equivalent experience in any of the
instruction areas listed above.
Compensation and other benefits available to faculty members are
negotiable. University strives to provide an environment that is conducive
to spiritual growth of students, faculty members, support staff and
volunteers. For detailed information, please contact Dr. Deendayal
Khandelwal at 8610, Vesta Terrace, Orlando (Florida) 32825-7934 (tel:
407-277-5959, e-mail: d.khandelwal@genie.com) ; or Prof. K. C. Gupta at
4685 Pawnee Place, Boulder (Colorado) 80303-3918 (tel: 303-499-1150,
e-mail: gupta@colorado.edu).