ISKCON in Turmoil
The following plea for help was
received from Tim Lee <pada@netvoyage.net> and is being posted
as requested by the author:
Note: "GBC" refers to the International Society for
Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) Governing Body Commission
=== ISKCON - Murder Threat ===================================
: From: Tim Lee <pada@netvoyage.net>
: Date: Fri, 8 Mar 1996 17:03:16 -0800
: X-Sender: pada@mail.netvoyage.net (Unverified)
: Message-Id: <199603090103.RAA05329@digital>
: * RE-NEWAL OF Tamal Krishna and GBC DEATH THREATS!
: [ Dear folks, please post to all news groups, this is an
: emergency! ]
: Remember when we told you that Tamal Krishna swami
: [ISKCON's "appointed guru" for Texas] has been actively and
: publicly preaching that people who blaspheme "the guru"
: [namely himself], should have their tongues cut out and
: they should be killed? TKG says he is equal to Jesus, then
: he preaches death to his opponents?
: Didn't we tell you that we have TKG's death threats
: tape-recorded, very recently? Didn't we tell you this
: fanatical "preaching" would lead, potentially, to more
: violence, and perhaps another murder or two?
: Well, TKG's deadly preaching brew is having his desired
: effect. One TKG follower named "Ramachanadra dasa" [of
: Badger, California] has been spending a lot of time in
: Dallas lately, hanging out with TKG. [The guru who was
: recently watching the Super Bowl?]
: Prior to going back to Dallas, this same Ramachandra dasa
: once came to Yasodanandana dasa's house with a sawed off
: shot-gun, and said that he was there to kill him. Ram had
: his finger on the trigger. [The gun looks illegal?]
: Then Ram said it was a joke, [some joke!] and then Ram
: apologized, and since he is a crack addict who steals the
: welfare money, the car, and everything not nailed down,
: from his kids, to buy crack, and has a ton of other
: problems, Yasodanandana decided to be merciful and not call
: the police.
: Ramachandra left, just after this incident, and went back
: to Dallas. When Ram went back to Dallas, TKG must have
: thought, here is a good way to get Yasodanandana killed
: once and for good! I'll do what Kirtanananda did, get a
: crazy ex-vet to go out and kill our GBC's opponents!
: And so, upon his return, apparently fired up by the GBC's
: renewed mad call to arms, i.e., [TKG's words] to "cut out
: the tongues and kill the blasphemers of the [gbc] gurus,"
: Ramachandra immediately called up Yasodanandan dasa and
: said, "You [YND] are a blasphemer of my guru [TKG], you are
: an offender," and [etc.] what can we say, Ramachandra
: sounded just like the TKG does, on the tape we have.
: Don't forget that Ram used to be, by his own admission, a
: bouncer-henchman for Satsvarupa and Ramesvara, and he --
: told me -- that he was asked to help in the assassination
: of Sulochana dasa. When we lived in Badger, Ram even showed
: me pictures of himself dressed in SWAT gear, which was
: purchased by Ramesvara swami, when Ramesvara established a
: "temple paramilitary force." [purpose: to kill us
: "offenders."]
: According to Mahalaxmi dasi, [Ram's wife] Ram was
: recently out stealing from stores for crack money. It is
: no small coincidence that TKG has fired this same man up to
: go after us again. Anyway, gotta run, since we have to make
: copies of TKG's tape and also get in touch with the:
: Sheriff,
: FBI,
: DA,
: and Texas and California media [just so the record will be
: straight in case]!
: Please post to all newsgroups [especially Hindus]! This
: is the same exact pattern, using some of the same exact
: people [namely Ram], and the same exact inflamed rhetoric
: [then coming mainly in writing from the "guru" Satsvarupa
: swami], all of whom were near the scene of the crime in the
: GBC's previous orchestrated assassination. Is it odd?
: Just after returning from Dallas, a man begins to use the
: threatening language, just like in TKG's tape.... Hey, help
: prevent another GBC induced vaishnava assassination!
: Your servant, Puranjana dasa
: pada@netvoyage.net
=== End of Forwarded Message =================================
Jai Maharaj <jai@mantra.com> Jyotishi, Vedic Astrologer
%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:% Om Shanti %:%:%