Re: Question on Geeta
Ramakrishnan Balasubramanian (rbalasub@ecn.purdue.edu) wrote:
Dear Ramakrishnanji:
The subject matter in the 10th chapter has nothing to do with either
itihAsa or PurAna. God is simply describing his main vibhutis. In
the 11th chapter, He shows the vibhuti to Arjuna. vibhuti is part of His
creation. In creation, He appears discontinuous, segmented, a little
hint here and a little hint there. But a samadarshi does not see the
vibhutis to be discontinuous. Sri Krishna talked about His principal
vibhutis in the 10th chapter, but then He said, Arjuna, do not see Me in
such segmented way, see Me as I am (10.42).
In bhR^igu-varuana saMvada (Taittiriya Upanishad), bhR^igu experienced
the presence of God in such vibhutis, except, he looked at the elements
of creation. Sri Krishna described to Arjuna some of the objects of
creation, and that is the only difference.
With best regards,