
Re: A few Questions!

cv386@freenet.carleton.ca (Abdul Syed) wrote:

>I have a few questions regarding Hinduism.

There are likely to be many responses to this. Might as well add

>1.Why is it that in hinduism there are *infinite* number of gods?

God is infinite in his forms and attributes. The easiest way for mere
humans to visualise this is to represent Him in many forms, each
manifesting another of His infinite attributes. The thousands of forms
already used by Hindus are still not adequate. One could stick with
only one form just as adequately. It is left to the individual choice.

>2.Why is it that they have multiple heads & arms?

In each of His forms, God is still unfathomable in His abilities. How
better to represent this than by describing Him with as many arms or
heads or whatever as seems consistent with the powers attributed to
Him in that form?

>3.Why do they carry weapons,for self-defence?

Each form is represented carrying objects that reflect a capability or
ability or facility of that form. These objects could be drums or
rings or shells or spinning wheels or swords or daggers or spears...
there is no limit to what could be used to represent an aspect of the
Power wielded by God. Sometimes they are even weapons of offense and
at other times, weapons of defense. It all depends on what aspect of
God is being represented.

The representations used to describe God are just that -
representations. God is of every form or no form as one wishes to
perceive Him (Her).

I hope I have not confused you further.


   SV Singam
Minden, Penang

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