Marxists, Karl Marx and the Sanatan Hindu Dharma
The Brahmanical heritage of the Sanatan Hindu Dharma has become a real
eyesore for many pseudo-seculars. These pseudo-seeculars (who are Hindus
themselves) have remained " non-aligned " and in effect have always those
who are against the Hindu culture / dharma.
Today we see brahmins, who have forgotten the pristine nature of the ancient
Hindu belief system ashamed of their heritage. In modern times, many persons
have adopted the neutral position and used commie-jargons to nullify and
negate the essence of Hinduism.
The negationism has had the most evil influence on the uninitiated who don't
know enough about various aspects of the Hindu culture. Marxist historians
at JNU (Bipan Chandra/ Irfan Habib/ Romila Thapar) etc. and etc. have time
and again highlighted the bad aspects of the Hindu society, in their " spirited "
attempts to defame and malign Hindu culture/ systems. This new-fangled aspect
of intellectual freedom has been brought to notice by Konrad Elst in his very
thought provoking book/ monograph: NEGATIONISM IN INDIA: CONCEALING THE
RECORD OF ISLAM. What I found missing was that Elst does not furnish any references,
and this could allow one to dismiss his ideas as speculative.
I felt that such garbage dished out repeatedly by these marxist historians, who
fail or dismiss the blatant facts of bigotry preached by Islam towards Hinduism,
should not go unchallenged. Hindu society cannot be allowed to be held hostage
by a bunch of manipulative academicians.
The following article by Dr. Karl Marx himself illustrates what he thought about
Hindus, their culture and the Muslims. The full reference is given below.
[1] Karl Marx and Fredrich Engels, (collected works: 1853-'54, vol. 12),
Lawrence and Wishart, London, 1979, England: ISBN 0 85315 357 4. (The
article is titled " The Future Results of British Rule in India ".)
[At most Universities the call number is HX 39.5.A224 1975C]
Regarding Hindu culture, Dr. Karl Marx wrote [1, p. 221]:
".... At all events, we may safely expect to see, at a more or less remote
period, the regeneration of that great and interesting country, whose gentle
natives are, to use the expression of Prince Soltykov, even in the most
inferior classes, " plus fins et adroits que les Italiens " (more subtle and
adroit than the Italians), whose submission even is counterbalanced by a
certain calm nobility, who, notwithstanding their natural langor, have
astonished the British officers by their bravery, whose country has been the
source of our languages, our religions, and who represent the type of the
ancient German in the Jat, and the type of the ancient Greek in the Brahmin."
So when [p]seculars (marxists and atheists) try to denigrate the Brahmins and the
Hindu way of life, please *DO NOT* pay attention. What do these marxists have to say
now ? Another rebuttal from Stalin ?
Similarly on the Islamic rule/ invasion in India, Dr.Marx writes [1, p. 218],
" Arabs, Turks, Tartars, Moguls, who had successively overrun India, soon
became Hindooized, the barbarian conquerors being, by an eternal law of
history, conquered themselves by the superior civilization of their subjects."
I also appeal to all Hindus, to read the works of Dr.Marx and verify for themselves
how respectful, one of the *greatest* social scientists in this world, Dr. Karl
Marx, was towards the ancient Hindu culture or the Sanatan Hindu Dharma.
- cheers,
deb chatterjee
(a good samaritan)