
Re: Ramayana joke

>>>>> "College" == College of Business <Anonymous@uiowa.edu> writes:

    College> This sounds crazy!  Was this writer serious?  Maybe I
    College> missed something here.  .  .  Well, I am not Indian or
    College> even ABCD(etc)--I am a grad student in Iowa who studies
    College> Hinduism.  I am sorry, I have to say that, once again,
    College> this essay shows how uncivilized us whities really are.
    College> I feel that I must apologize for this person's ignorance.
    College> .  .

  Aubrey Menen was half Indian, and no more than half serious in that
  passage, IMHO. A little light-hearted 'blasphemy' is often resorted 
  to even by Classical Indian poets. I'm sure noone took offence.


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