
Re: A question on Geeta

>   Ravishanker_Nandiwada <rnandiwa@research.westlaw.com> writes:
>  1. I am the moon among stars:  We all know that moon is not a star.
>  2. Moon supplying juice of life to vegetables: We also know that in 
>  the case of most vegetables, sun supplies more "juice of life".
>  How can Lord Krshna state incorrectly? Can anyone clarify this issue?
>  Thank you.
>  Ravi
>  -- 

Dear Sri Ravishankar,

Yr questions are very appropriate. Let me try to answer yr questions. 

(1) In the 1st instance, Gita was written more than 6000 years ago. It is already surprising that the 
scientific nature of the moon has been mentioned in an age where Europe was prehistoric and US was 
not even discovered.

(2) Krishna could have used the sun in various areas but bear in mind God is not stuck in one place like 
the sun but rather revolves around all souls that exist,like the moon which revolves around planets. 
Taking into consideration of the moons characteristics such as serenity, calm and brilliance, it better to 
use the moon instead of the sun which has all the opposite of what is needed to reflect the divine 
nature of God.

(3)you are right in that moon is not a star. But the statement did not say it was. It states that "moon 
among stars". In this context, it is right. There are and have been proven that many planets within a 
star system do have a moon or several moons orbiting them. Therefore the statement was never 

(4) You are right too in saying that the sun is key player in life but can also turn into a destroyer (solar 
flares for example). The moon is actually involved in sustaining life. The major composition in all living 
organism is water. As such, water comes under the direct impact of the moon (the tides for example). It 
actually regulates the water contents in all living organisms and has direct influence in the intake of 
water in to plant life. Water being the abundance and a critical fluid in all living organisms it called 
the "juice of life". Therefore, Lord Krishna is not wrong in his statement on moon being the juice of life.

I hope this helps clarify better.Forgive me if there are some confusing statements. Please email me if 
you need me to clarify these.


R.Murugappan, Malaysia 

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