
Re: Hinduism and MTV

On 20 Mar 1996 05:47:40 GMT, Naresh Patel <104256.1324@CompuServe.COM>

>The other day I saw some Hindu girls on an MTV dating game show. 

dating game --- Hindu girls?   I don't think their very Hindu.  What
an abomination.  I'd say the MTV culture has influenced these girls,
not the other way around.  Unless of course they spoke out against
dating...in that case, I apologize for jumping the gun.

>I also saw some references to Hindu music and religion once in a 
>cartoon I saw on the same station. It seems like Hinduism is 
>penetrating many aspects of American culture. Does anyone have any 
>comments or similar observations?                                 

The clearest supposed penetration of Hinduism wouldhave Vivekananda
and the contemporaneous attempts of H.P. Blavatsky and Crowley.
After that, I'd say the late 60s and even 60s rock (Beatles etc.) at
least tried to introduce the rythmic aspect of Hindu culture.  One
song by the beatles has "Hindu" thematic lyrics--its "Within Without
You" on Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album.  check it out.  

Astrology became popularized in the 60s and early 70s in part as a
response for curiousity about "Eastern Mysticism" (even though the
Astrology practiced is entirely different in theory, concept, science
and practie than Hindu astrology)  

Vegetarianism is a more subtle influence, not directly derived from
Hindu culture in America, but at least justified in that India is an
example of how people can live just fine (even better) without meat. 

I wish we could bring some of the better parts of Hindu "values" to
the West, we would all be better off.

Hindu influence is waning not growing.  In the 60s almost everyone
knew what, roughly speaking, a Hindu was, or at least what we
basically believe.  Today, you have to explain yourself more...

The Vedas Rule!
Anand Sethuraman
(or Anand_Sethuraman@bstz.com if urgent)

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