Re: A question on Geeta
> ranga@cs.umd.edu (M.Ranganathan) writes:
> In article <4it06n$6h6@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
> Jack Phelan <jackphel@ix.netcom.com> wrote:
> >In <4il6hr$8u0@babbage.ece.uc.edu> ranga@cs.umd.edu (M.Ranganathan)
> >writes:
> >Why should anyone sue you for being not receptive and not capable of
> >understanding the holy Scriptures? It will take you a few hundred
> >lifetimes to be able, even a little bit to comprehend the magnificent
> >depth of such a great work as the Gita or the Upanishads.
Dear Sri Ranganathan,
I fully agree with you on your comments. Let me share my views on this.
(1) Gita, Mahabharata and Ramayana are totally human written works. Whether Divine Inspired or not
does not make any difference because they were definitely by philosophers of Hinduism for the
following purpose:-
a) To awaken the human intellect. Notice the works of long ago is still making the whole world debate
and understand.
b) The works were of moral values. The wonder in these works is that philosophers of ancient days
could create works that can communicate moral and spiritual values of life to both the elite and
non-elite masses both of ancient days and today.
c)To reflect that there is only one god and all are representation of that one god by accepting "all paths
lead unto me".
You are totally correct when you wrote that things should be debated. An example of this is also
reflected in the stories of the avatars of Shiva where in one of them Shiva actuallly argues with a
philosopher of the King Pandya named Nakiran. Nakiran actually tells Shiva "Even if you are the
3-eyed god Shiva, a mistake is a mistake and can be debated" One of the highest objectives in the
Tamil Sangam in the old days was actually to debate and understand the philosophies of God.
I would like to say that all aspects of Hinduism can be questioned and debated as one pleases and
that is freedom in Hinduism that makes it such a wonderful religion. There is no such thing as rules and
regulation in Hinduism. In Hinduism consists of only guides and teaching of spritual values and has
never had anything close to Laws of Religion.
Please question, debate and understand Hinduism. Thank you.
R.Murugappan, Malaysia