Gary Stevason's Quote
Gary Stevason once quoted the following:-
"Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall
deliver you from all sinful reaction. Do not fear." -- God, Bhagavad-gita
This is very interesting as it can generate various reaction and misunderstanding. I took the opportunity,
in advance in case it does happen, to clarify those statements.
The phrase "abondon all varieties of religion" does not mean that all religions are wrong as would be
interpreted by fanatic hindus and non-hindus. It merely states that there is no need for religions to get to
God but a complete surrender of one's self to god in any way he choose will be accepted by God.
The phrase "deliver you from all sinful reaction" does not mean God will forget your sins and you dont
have to pay for it. Everyone has to pay his or her dues for the sins but here God says he will only deliver
( help you out) from the effects of those sinful actions.
R.Murugappan, Malaysia