
God & War

During a 20-year career as an officer in the U. S. Marine Corps, I spent 
a great deal of time contemplating relationships between global 
religious thought and violent conflict.  As part of my personal inquiry, 
I am gathering resource material for use in production of an independent 
documentary film on the subject.

Topics to be considered include the taking of human life in warfare; the 
concept of "holy" and "just" wars and warriors; the role of spiritual 
advisors in the world's armed forces; wars fought in the name of God; 
similarities between soldierly and monastic lifestyles; martial 
metaphors in religious discourse; religious metaphor in military 
philosophy; and spiritually-based pacifism.  This list will certainly 
grow and transform as I am exposed to additional perspectives put 
forward by the world's faiths and fellow combat veterans.

I would be most grateful for suggestions regarding spiritual texts, 
books, pamphlets, films, songs and other works of history or art which 
expound on correlations between God and war.  Referrals to others who 
have explored this matter would also be appreciated.  I can be reached 
by e-mail at newschas@nicom.com

Thank you.

Chas. Henry

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