Re: Lots of hogwash!NOT!!!!!!
JBhardwaj wrote:
> shskambh@reading.ac.uk (C. Kambhampati) wrote:
> >JBhardwaj (shring@interlog.com) wrote:
> >: Prabhu Ambatipudi <pxa@netline-fddi.jpl.nasa.gov> wrote:
> ><...some lines deleted....>
> >Come on if there was really somuch power within these mantras, then
> >surely we would have been in a far better state then we are in today.
> >After all there must be millions of people who over the ages have been
> >following the rules for reciting them - what good has it done to the
> >society - one word comes to mind - never mind!
> Firstly "never mind" is two words.
> Secondly I suggest that you read some Hindu literature or consult your
> guru before you make rash such statements.
> Partially or superficially your statements are correct. There is
> definately a certain emotional appeal to mantra's. However, to say
> that is the extent of thier power is totally WRONG. To say that is the
> extent that you have experienced them may be more accurate.
> However, at a none sensory level all that red and blue are, is
> vibrations. All anything is, is a vibration. We experience certain
> frequencies in different ways. Some are sounds others are colours and
> yet others are touch etc.
> Hindu scriptures state that the most basic truth about the universe is
> vibration. Everything is a vibration. The reality of the universe is
> vibrational. Before anything else there was a vibration that was Om.
> This is the most primordial and basic vibration.
> In that light is it really possible to say that mantra's have no
> power. They are the very foundation embodiments of power. When they
> They create harmonics and literal music in the feild of the universe
> around us. And they strenghten or propogate a beneficial energy
> (vibration) that we are seeking. The gAyatri mantra is one such
> vibration - it is one of the most beneficial. It is one of the most
> primordial energies in the universe. And like all vibrations it is
> attracted to and enhanced by itself. Thus chanting it can propogate
> the enrgy to you or enhance that same energy by giving it more power.
> However, just as some sound waves cancel or distort each other the
> gAyatri mantra vibration my be destructive. It can cause distortion or
> negation. Thus unless you are already in a certain harmony with it
> chanting the mantra may in fact distort or negate your own reality.
Okay, there are people that think that the mantras are nothing but words.
Then there are people that think that Mantras are full of power.
The above has taken the correct view, but kinda shot off a little.
The idea that Everything is Vibration is TRUE. All matter is composed of
atoms that contain vibrating (moving) electrons,etc.
The idea that vibrations affect matter is also true. You all must have heard
of the experiment where a lady opera singer can SMASH a glass just by singing
in its resonance frequency. Also the Russians possess a sub-frequency device
that is tuned to human frequencies that when operated has a similar effect
on human internal organs as the voice to the glass.
So we see that Vibrations (sound) have an effect on matter.
They affect the air around us, so that we can hear what is said. However in
space there is no air. Yet there are particles that convey an energy from one
to another. If we realise that vibration is energy then we can see that Vibrations
are present throughout the universe.
If any of you are avid ravers, going to clubs you'll notice that the beat is
timed to be activating your adrenalin to get you moving, and it is able to keep
this sustained even if you thought yourself uncapable. Thus music (ragas) have an
effect on the human body also.
Thus, Voices, music and thus SOUND affects the human body and ALL mater.
A Mantra is a tuned instrument to correct your internal harmonics. Crystals act
However all this is rendered unfortunate by the fact that the gross mass western world
is trying to convince us that Hinduism is nothing but another REligion. THis is totally
> Science, in fact, agrees with this view. As time passes Hinduism is
> beginning to sound more and more like physics.
This is a very IMPORTANT quote.
When you next read a Sanskrit Text, a Mahabharata, Ramayana, Veda or Upanishad Take a
introspective and objective view of what is being said.
DO NOT be prejudice against it, confining it to hogwash or Myth and Legend. It may be
true that they are concoctions of great Rishis etc, but the ancients of Bharata NEVER
did anything for NO reason.
Science is Dharma And Dharma is Science. Both are objective AND INVITE DISCUSSION.
It is not a religion, as these are to be taken at FACE VALUE, and BELIEVED BLINDLY.
Dharma is subject to change depending on the Circumstances/Time (Yugas) and thus
this is the reason that Hinduism has survived so long.
However we are being told that it is a religion and in this time of need, when
it needs to change once more, away from Bhakti and towards a more Doing (ie practising
of meditation, vegetarian diets, restoring harmony to all around us not a statue) we
are being halted by people within our own realms.
I for one have spoken briefly on this subject to an acharya at the Arya Samaj, and
he has welcomed the need for change for the so called Generation-X Hindus.
Trance Music, Meditation, Tantra, Harmonics, Oneness are all in vogue right now, and
they are all based on Sanatana-Dharma.
Anyway, enough of the speech, if anyone is STILL not convinced that Mantras are
beneficial.destructive then please do post to the group or email me, as this
is something that should be promoted.
-delash- delash@cs.man.ac.uk
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