
Bharata Varsha

[ This extract is from the Vishnu Purana. It gives an account of the kings
  who had ruled the earth "long ago", while providing an explanation as to why 
  India is called Bharata. ]

Maitreya- you have narrated to me, venerable preceptor, most fully, all that I
was curious to hear respecting the creation of the world; but there is a part
of the subject which I am desirous again to have described. You stated that
Priyavarta and Uttanapada were the sons of Svayambhuva Manu, and you repeated
the story of Dhruva, the son of Uttanapada: you made no mention of the
descendants of Priyavarta, and it is an account of his family that I beg you
will kindly communicate to me.

Parasara - Priyavarta married Kamya, the daughter of the patriarch Kardama,
and had by her two daughters, Samrat and Kukshi, and ten sons, wise, valiant,
modest and dutiful, named Agnidhra, Agnibahu, Vapushmat, Dyutimat, Medhatiti,
Bhavya, Savala, Putra, and the tenth was Jyotishmat, illustrious by nature as
by name. These were the sons of Priyavarta, famous for strength and prowess.
Of these, three, or Medha, Putra and Agnibahu, adopted a religious life:
remembering the occurrences of a prior existence, they did not covet dominion,
but diligently practised the rites of devotion in due season, wholly
disinterested, and looking for no reward.

Priyavarta having divided the earth into seven continents, gave them
respectively to his seven sons...[the names of the seven are : Jambudvipa(to
Agnidhra), Plaksha-dvipa, Salmali dvipa, Kusa dvipa, Krauncha dvipa, Saka dvipa,and Puskara dvipa to the others]...

...Agnidhra approportioned Jambudvipa among his nine sons...He gave to Nabhi
the country called Hima, south of the Himavat, or snowy mountains...and retired
to a life of penance at the holy place of Salagrama.

The eight other Varshas, or countries - Kimpurusha and the rest - are places 
of enjoyment, where happiness is spontaneous and uninterrupted. In them there is
no vicissitude, nor the dread of decripitude or death: there is no distinction
of virtue or vice, nor difference of degree as better or worse, nor any of the
effects produced in this region by the revolutions of ages.

Nabhi, who had for his portion the country Himahwa, had by his queen Meru the
magnanimous Rishabha; and he had a hundred sons, the eldest of whom was Bharata.Rishabha having ruled with equanimity and wisdom, and celebrated many
sacrificial rites, resigned the sovereignity of the earth to the herioc Bharata.
...The country was named Bharata from the time that it was relinquished to
Bharata by his father...

Bharata, having religiously discharged the duties of his station, consigned
the kingdom to his son Sumati, a most virtuous prince; and engaging in devout
practices, abandoned his life at the holy place Salagrama: he was afterwards
born again as a Brahmana, in a distinguished family of ascetics. I shall
hereafter relate to you his history...

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