Hindi/Christian wedding ??'s
Our family is from a Christian tradition and our
son is marrying a wonderful young lady who is a Hindu.
They had agreed upon a wedding which honors both of
their belief systems and were progressing accordingly.
As relatives on both sides have become involved there
is more and more of the "If you don't do thus-and-so
you're not really married". We can deal with the Christian
issues fairly easily but are having some trouble helping
the kids deal with some of the Hindu traditions.
So the questions we need help with are:
What are the basic portions of the Hindu wedding that
"must" be observed?
The bride's mother and aunt have scheduled a meeting with
the groom's mother, aunt, and grandmother for some "traditional
ceremony" prior to the wedding. What is that likely to be?
What are some of the thoughts of Hindus regarding mixed marriage?
Thanks.. Pete & Peggy Romfh