purushha, Ishvara, AtmA and brahman
Dear Friends:
Before we go into discussing this complicated subject, I would like us to
talk about anthropomorphic descriptions of God. This is the primary
description of God in the Semitic religions. Briefly, the principal
characteristics of such descriptions of God is, that God is a human-like
super king, omnipotent and omnipresent. He is not guNAtita but has all
human qualities, like anger, happiness etc, and He expresses these guNas
as He deals with human problems and situations.
The four names God is generally described by: purushha, Ishvara, AtmA and
brahman, describe God is ways that are unique to Hindu theology. For a
quick reference, please look at the verses in chapter 13 of the SBG.
So I invite you to share your views on this subject.
With best regards,