
Lots of hogwash! Re: gAyatrI mantra: tradition

JBhardwaj (shring@interlog.com) wrote:
: Prabhu Ambatipudi <pxa@netline-fddi.jpl.nasa.gov> wrote:

: >The Gayatri Mantra was actually revealed in the holy place of modern-day
: >Kayavarohan, Gujarat.

: >In our shastras, there actually exist Gayatri mantras for each main caste,
: >with varying metres, and also slightly different wordage.

: >Unfortunately in the Kali Yuga, the Gayatri Mantra is recited with great
: >distortion, both in pronunciation and intonation. A distorted saying of
: >the Gayatri brings negative effects to those who chant and hear it, 
: >according to our scriptures. Then again, I guess it is good that in this
: >day and age, at least there are those who chant and meditate on the sacred
: >Gayatri Mantra.

<...some lines deleted....>

: Chanting such powerful and pure mantra's requires equally powerful and
: pure personalities doing the chanting. Thus one is best advised to
: consult with a pandit or religious leader before attempting it. If
: your guru feels you are capable and allows you to do the mantra then
: by all means do so. You may chant with a full heart and joy. Because
: in such a situation even if you really are impure your innosense of it
: (sp?) will remove any possible hypocrasy from your act. As we all know
: in Hinduism and innocent is the MOST pure of all regardless of what
: they have actually done.

<..some lines deleted.....>

There is no power whatsoever in the mantras - no matter who we pronounce
it, recite them, say them, who says them etc. The mantras have some
fantastic sentiments embodied in them, and it is these sentiments which
should touch us - and all the rest about their powers is nothing but
silly old grandmothers tales.

It is the sentiments we should be focusing upon and not some IMAGINARY
POWERS. Donot do disservice to yourselves by ascribing imagined powers
to a set of words strung together. These words, strung together may mean
something to some of us and some of us may be touched by the sentiments
embodied within these words/sentences. In order that these sentiments
effect us, rules have been laid down for their recitation. If we start
interpreting these rules as being the begining and the end of all and
start ascribing untold powers to sets of words strung together, we are
all commiting a far greater sin then when reciting these mantras in a
not so condusive atmosphere. 

It is the meaning/message etc contained within these that are more
important then the rest of the mumbo-jumbo.

Come on if there was really somuch power within these mantras, then
surely we would have been in a far better state then we are in today.
After all there must be millions of people who over the ages have been
following the rules for reciting them - what good has it done to the
society - one word comes to mind - never mind!

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