Re: Request for help......
RobLK6 (roblk6@aol.com) wrote:
: Folks,
: I'm cross posting this to several places where I hope to get some useful
: replies. Please forgive this breach of Netiquette. You see, I'm giving a
: lay sermon for my church on Sunday on the subject "Children as Spiritual
: Teachers."
Rob, I've e-mailed this to you for the kids, but I can't resist a good
straight line so I'll post it here too:
A great great preacher of God consciousness appeared in India a long long
time ago. This saintly boy was named Prahlada Maharaja. He always
remembered God ... never forgot Him. He would preach to his school
friends: "Life is not meant for seeking pleasure - it is meant for
seeking and pleasing God."
THE RADMAN . . . . . . . . Gary Stevason ..... www.geocities.com/Athens/2108
"Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall
deliver you from all sinful reaction. Do not fear." -- God, Bhagavad-gita