
Re: Ancient Stories & Wisdom - Talks in Maryland

GERALD J. LA CORTE (l23@hopi.dtcc.edu) wrote:
: : >  Why are Lord Vishnu, Lord Rama, Lord Krishna, Lord Shiva blue in color?
: The blue color signifies eternity; where/when the gods exist and how their 
: power is limited.  Its also symbolic of divinity.  Many of the darker 
: Indians are also said to have a skin so dark it was blue.

Gerald, I must differ with you here.  Lord Krsna was bluish beacuse He
appeared in His eternal form of Syamasundara, which is "tinged with the
hue of blue clouds" (Brahma Samhita).  It is definitely not the blue that
some very dark persons sometimes have.  It is the colour of God's original
form, like the syama flower; not some symbolic representation. 

Lord Rama, of course, was greenish, like a parrot.

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