
Re: Creation theories in Advaita

M Suresh wrote:

I'll give a brief description. I'll try to post some details later when I get
the time. Some other people may give full explanations.

> I have heard the following four creation theories with reference to advaita
> philosophy.
> 1. Ajaati Vaada ( No Creation ).

The prime exponent of this school is gauDapaada. This is the viewpoint of a
jiivanmukta. He does not see anything apart from the self and no changes in it.
The question ofcourse arises, what about the world we see? The point is, that
the question occurs only to the un-enlightened and not to persons like 
gauDapaada. However he also teaches (2) which you mention below for the benefit
of the non-muktas.

> 2. Drishti Srishti Vaada.

Try gauDapaada kaarikaa for a full explanation. The world as it exists is
explained through the theory of maya very well. shaMkara also goes through lots
of the stock dvaitin objections and their refutations. The view point here is
that the diversity which exists (the world etc) can neither be called as
existing apart from brahman or a "part" of it. (I am planning to write up
something on this, hopefully by the end of summer.)

> 3. Srishti Drishti Vaada.

This does not require any explanation. There are various theories like how
hiraNyagarbha is formed etc and how the various elements are formed. This
theory holds that after realization, the realized people go to brahma loka or
the loka of their ishhTa devata and merge with brahman during pralaya, and are
not reborn.

This theory is usually used to teach novices and for arguments with dvaitins
(by dvaitins I mean anyone who is not an advaitin). However, if one is able to
comprehend (2), (3) is of no use.
> 4. Krama Srishti Vaada ( Gradual creation ).

Never heard of this. Sounds like (3) though.
> Does anyone have more information on what these theories are? Are they found
> only in the schools of advaita only or also in the vedas/upanishads?

(1) and (2) are certainly found in the vedas. Some references are given by 
gauDapaada. Ex., "Indra through maya assumes diverse forms" etc. Also the
brihadaaraNyaka upanishhad contains lots of quotes supporting this. There are
other minor upanishhads explicitly using various advaitic terms. (I don't
remember the exact quotes and the sections, so I request the net-vidvans who
demand precise references to bear with me here)

(3) certainly has lots of quotations from shruti. These theories of creation are
meant for novices, according to gauDapaada.

Two monks were arguing about a flag. One said, "The flag is moving." The other
said, "The wind is moving." The sixth patriarch happened to be passing by. He
told them, "Not the wind, not the flag; mind is moving." - The Gateless Gate

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