Re: Paintings of Krishna
K. Sadananda <sadananda@anvil.nrl.navy.mil> wrote:
>I still think it is symbolic - since I have not seen Him how he looks!
>Krishnas paintings vary from one end of the country to the other and I
>donot know which I have to look closely - these all depends of the vision
>of the artist. All of them are Krishnaas but none of them are!
Hi, I just entered this conference, seems very nice...anyway,
as for the colour, if I remember correctly, apart from the different
paintings, Sri Krishna's colour is described too in a book/veda.....
I will try to see where I got this knowledge form, but sure someone
knows what I am talking about too (?)
Maybe that would help us a bit more ? Personally, I think it is his
true colour, but it doesn't matter to me that much...It is beautiful
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