Re: Operation Homecoming
Kind of surprising what money can. I wouldn't worry about it too much,
there were times when over ninety percent of northern India was Buddhist.
And Christianity is such a deep religion <sarcastic>. If India does
become officially Christian, like the US, people who want / need a deeper
religious experience will still turn to Hinduism and Buddhism. This may
even be better, because it will be under the guise of "Asian Native
History" and there will arise ANH scholars.
Yes, missionaries are in the business of changing others relgion.
Whether a person is Hindu or Chistian depends on the practices they keep.
I can checkmark Christian on the census form just as easily any other
relgion and never attend any religious service.
: Tough Talking 'Raja' Turns Tribals Back to Hindus While Christians Take to
: their Heels