Re: India: A Country of Beggars
To: soc-religion-hindu@uunet.uu.net
Subject: Re: India: A Country of Beggars
From: gopal@ecf.toronto.edu (GOPAL Ganapathiraju Sree Ramana)
Date: Sat, 13 Jul 1996 13:27:57 -0400
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Newsgroups: soc.religion.hindu
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References: <4kks8b$kam@babbage.ece.uc.edu> <4kt6sd$jdb@babbage.ece.uc.edu> <ghenDuBB89.1J1@netcom.com>
Sender: News Administrator <news@ecf.toronto.edu>
is this post also a part of promotion of *hindu* dharma?
In article <ghenDuBB89.1J1@netcom.com>,
GERALD J. LA CORTE <l23@hopi.dtcc.edu> wrote:
>: I understand the concern you express regarding literacy rates in
>: India, however, I suggest that you are ignoring the real issue. That is,
>: pressures from both international lending agencies and governmental
>: lenders have forced the government to consider areas other than education
>: to develop its economy.
>: If you are interested in helping the
>: situation, then you should advocate to your government and international
>: investors that they stop pressuring the Indian government to fulfill
>:their needs and allow it to concentrate its efforts upon the peoples' needs.
>: Insulting people will not help you in achieving your stated goal of
>: increased literacy in India. So, with all due respect, lay off.
>I apologize for any insult received - it was not intended. Literacy is
>paramount for a country and for individuals to develop, but I agree that
>industrial development is equally important. Commercial development in
>India will help it keep its greatest resource - its people - and stop the
>requisite sending of them to other countries for education.
>Please don't take what I'm writing the wrong way, I love Indian people.
>But its counter productive to send Indian citizens to foreign countries
>for an education, which can only be utilized in those foreign countries.
>Then, unfortunately, many of those people, after receiving government
>scholarships, either are obligated (de facto) or choose to reside in the
>country where they got their education.
>Education is paramount, but industrial development is nearly as important.
>Mail posts to: ghen@netcom.com : http://www.hindunet.org/srh_home/