Re: Tale and the SRH-reorg (Was: Re: Charter changes?)
On Mon, 15 Jul 1996, Vivek Sadananda Pai wrote:
> In article <ghenDuKtrw.7rI@netcom.com>,
> Ajay Shah <ajay@mercury.aichem.arizona.edu> wrote:
> >> I downloaded the entire contents of the SRH archive one night, and
> >> stored it on my local machine. From this, I extracted all of the
> >
> >The statistics are untruthful, skewed, mostly hoax and completely out of
> >date because :
> >
> >1. They do not take into account the articles that were re-directed
> >manually from alt.hindu newsgroup (during the transition period)
> This alone proves that you didn't even bother reading my article on
> the methodology of the statistics-gathering process. The data was
While I think that the methodology was completely flwaed to support the
hoax of delay in posting, Vivekji has conveniently deleted the
remaining points, and added scores of lines of worthless
repetition. The deleted points included :
1. Statistics do not take into account the hardware upgrade time
2. They are completely outdated, considering that they were complied
after 2-3 months of the newsgroups creation, and no data has been added
since December.
3. Time taken to communicate with the author in case the article required
clarification before posting
I do have all the original time stamped articles as I received them, and
their posting dates available for any honest observer to study. But
then, in personal vendetta and petty politics truth is the first
casuality, drowned by hundreds of lines of worthless repetition.
ajay shah
There are lies, damn lies and statistics...