
Re: Tale and the SRH-reorg (Was: Re: Charter changes?)

In article <qum7ms7h3h6.thoron@cyclone.Stanford.EDU>,
Russ Allbery  <rra@cs.stanford.edu> wrote:
>> In other words, he suggested that the proponents get the moderator to do
>> something, without asking the moderator if he wanted to.
>He suggested that they ask the moderator to add tags rather than create a
>new newsgroup.  And the problem with this is...?

Russ, please have the decency to maintain accuracy. He _never_
suggested that the proponents should ask the moderator to do
anything. Please don't suggest otherwise.

>Ken, you're not making any sense.  He suggested an alternative because
>they may not have thought of it and because he thought it was better.
>They were free to either accept it or ignore it.  They ignored it.  

Nobody ignored it - Tale conducted his dealings with the moderator in
secret, and the rest of the "compromise plan" was dictated to the

So, when Tale mentioned his tagging system, how were we to know that
a) Tale never bothered to tell the moderator about this
b) we would later be accused of ignoring it because we didn't
   read Tale's mind and figure out that he hadn't told the moderator
   himself, despite the fact that he brokered every other part of the
   deal in secret with the moderator


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