ARTICLE: SRH Reorg and soc.religion.vaishnava: censors overthrew charter
Nothing ever becomes real till it is experienced.
Even a proverb is no proverb to you till your Life
has illustrated it. -John Keats
The ongoing discussion suggesting changes at srh is supported
by but very very few persons, some of whom offer ideas
arising from good will, the majority of whom however appear spitefully
Among the latter are two Vaishnavites, both wellknown posters
at soc.religion.vaishnava, whose efforts to alter srh appear
endless. I left interest in their repeated efforts some months
ago, and now find those Vaishnavaite proponents yet insist
they know best how to handle affairs at srh.
I am sure they err, since they do not even honouor the charter
of their own newsgroup: soc.religion.vaishnava.
Last week I posted reasons why I suspected that admins at soc.
religion.vaishnava had overthrown the charter and were
enforcing personal prejudices. If that proves so, I think that
SRV will either be
A: closing in five days
B: moving its site from cornell.edu
C: changing admins
D: the charter will be put back in place, and those who overruled
it will admit their guilt in public.
Time will tell.
Meanwhile, one might ask `how could admins overturn the
charter?' The answer is via a clique given access to the
automoderator bot. Evidence exists that is just what happened.
So far two of the clique have not only denied such deeds,
but seek to blame others for their own secret actions. I am
speaking of two fellows who post here, both active online in
promoting a Vaishnavic view of order and rectitude, and both
active too in spamming multiple fora.
Both are among the clique who took over the automoderator bot
at srv, and are the primary censors who have cancelled
messages from any user that clique deems unworthy of being
heard. One admitted as much recently when he said to my public
complaint `Rot! At srv anyone can cancel anyone's messages.
Jai Sri Krishna!' I think what he meant by that was any of his
chums can cancel messages at srv. His remark suggests that,
and his chum admitted as much when a cancelled message that no
one else saw, was reported by him as `just Sai Baba
propaganda.' How would he know what it was unless he had read
it? How could he have read it, unless he was the one who
cancelled it?
As if filled with his hubris at the cliques' ability to censor
soc.religion, vaishnava, one of the clique is daily flooding
alt.astrology, alt.religion.vaisnava, and several other fora
with +80k spam messages that contain no comment from him
whatsoever. His only utility in spamming those sites is,
apparently, to show his ire and `power'.
He not only floods fora that he calls `dead' such as those
named, but also urges his chums to *include*
soc.culture.jewish with the spam, just to insure ALL sites
named in his header is covered.
There is evidence of this. Some is available only to honchos
at srv, and other available to the public. The former is being
resolved now, and the latter is acquired by using the search
engine ALTA VISTA or DEJA NEWS with either rascal' email
address as the keyword. That will show the mulitple spams and
cancels each sends out daily.
Studying the evidence presented thus, detailing the identity
of the persons who cancelled messages at srv, might show in
fact who overturned the charter at srv.
Of course one may ignore this data, or reply as you deem best.
Time reveals all. At any rate, I suggest any such men as are
active in censorship at srv have nothing to do with how srh is
Prajnana, constant integrated awareness, cannot be acquired
from books. It has to be got through self-examination and
self-correction. -Sathya Sai Baba