
Re: INFO : Artificial Justification for Info Group


In an eloquent manner, Ajay Shah <ajay@mercury.aichem.arizona.edu> elucidated:
>After being pointed to the fact that the SRH newsgroup does not have 
>enough traffic at this time (average less than 8-10 non-reorg related posts 
>per day), it seems that some of the proponents have taken upon themselves 
>to increase traffic on SRH....notice 5-9 postings per person per day, 
>mostly repetitious, generating a set of responses.  
>I hope that the intelegent readers of this newsgroup will use the "Skip" 
>or "Next" key and keep reading the useful material, seeing through this 
>little trick, in addition to personal vendetta, petty politics and 
>repetitious posts.

It seems clear from this post and the ones entitled:

INFO : Stats for SRH Postings in 1996
Info : SRH and Politics : Charter Shows the Way

and the ones that were approved by the moderator with the titles:

INFO : Vajrasuchi upanishhad
INFO : Bow to the Sun! (suuryaashhTaka)

that the moderator does not understand the purpose of an "Info" newsgroup, or
in this case an "INFO:" posting.

Everything that someone posts to a newsgroup  is "information".

If someone posts a one-line message saying:

" Fred, you don't know what you are talking about. "

then this is an informational post - Fred is being informed that he doesn't
know what he is talking about.  :-)

The .info suffix for a newsgroup is really short for "Informational

An example of such an announcement would be:

" Subject: INFO: Vajrasuchi Upanishad study group

The Vajrasuchi Upanishad study group wll be meeting every Saturday at 3 a.m.
in Room 108 at Silly University.  Everyone is welcome to join us. "


" Subject: INFO: New Translation of Vajrasuchi Upanishad

Joe Blow's new translation of the Vajrasuchi Upanishad is now available from
McWeirdo Press. "

Posting evidence for one's arguments in the middle of a discussion is NOT
"info" any more than any else's posts in that discussion.

And the two postings from other readers that were approved by the moderator
are not "INFO:" postings, they are simply normal posts for a religion

PS  On July 1st, the moderator wrote:

>Each post, if it is the "first" in the thread, contain labels such as :

>INFO : Subject Title for posts seeking information

which fits neither Internet conventions nor any of the subsequent INFO: posts!


Ken                         <*>

"The Dow that can crash is not the eternal Dow." - Lao Stuart

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