Re: SRH Reorg FAQ
GOPAL Ganapathiraju Sree Ramana (gopal@ecf.toronto.edu) wrote:
: In article <4smorh$2ja@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
: Ajay Shah <ajay@mercury.aichem.arizona.edu> wrote:
: >On Wed, 17 Jul 1996, GOPAL Ganapathiraju Sree Ramana wrote:
: >
: >> Ajay Shah <ajay@mercury.aichem.arizona.edu> wrote:
: >> >On Tue, 16 Jul 1996, GOPAL Ganapathiraju Sree Ramana wrote:
: >> >
: >> >>
: >> >How often do you think the newsgroup charters and moderators be put to
: >> >vote? Once every three months?
: >>
: >> be honest: how often do you think we get volunteers to think of
: >> an existing news group, prepare a detailed RFD document, face the
: >
: >Namaskar,
: >
: >Every time someone wakes up and thinks that they do not like the moderator
: >of the newsgroup. Every time they think that the moderator does not
: >subscribe to their personal philosophy. Every time moderator accepts a
: >post - any post, or rejects a post - any post. Every time they think that
: >the moderator should let go the larger good of the readers and the Hindu
: >community on the net to pacify their persoal vendetta and petty politics .
: The Pre-RFD, RFD and CFV stages take several months of time. and you
: know that the present proposal took over 7 months, and we still do not
: see a CFV. and, in any case, i do not see any problem if a volunteers
: come forward with new ideas to improve and their proposals comes to
: vote.that should basically be a problem for usenet admin -- as to
: how many times they want to allow votes on group without choking the
: setup. as long as a vote is possible under rules, there is no harm
: in using the system to improve.
In strictest sense, perhaps yes. But each time you raise the
cry of a re-org, you divert the energies of a lot of people
to the re-org issue. Consider India having elections after
every six months. What will be the consequence. A still adm
inistration. That is what a frequently conducted re-org cam-
paign leads to. Six months back, the proponents raked up the
issue. Considerable amount of abuse was exchanged. Then the
proponents went into hibernation. Probably for tactical reasons.
And now again the same issue. What do we get out of it.
Noise. Nothing else.
: the problem comes when as a moderator of a group you allow RFD debate
: to take place on srh -- which actually should take place on news.groups.
: this was pointed out *long* time ago, in the early stages of RFD.
: umpteenth time i am repeating: srh was voted. the present discussion is
: about the proposal to *improve* the present srh. and this is different.
: >But be assured, that I for one will stand up for what I believe is a
: >principled stand, without regards to pressure, especially from those
: >who seek to divide the Hindu community on the basis of mode of worship.
: pucca political speech! the simple and straightforward truth is that
: you dont want to face a vote.
By using the term "political" in the above sense, there is
some implicit abuse involved here. Yes, frankly, I do not
like the idea of a vote on every weekend. That is a very
good reason. Don't you think so.
Nachiketa Tiwari
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