
Re: ARTICLE : The SRH Re-Organisation Mess

Vivek Sadananda Pai (vivek@cs.rice.edu) wrote:
: In article <4skjqc$aa4@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
: Sabberwal Suraj <sabberwa@NCSMSG02TR.ntc.nokia.com> wrote:
: >FRIVILOUS issues like whether Vaishnavites are Hindus or not are being 
: >thrown in . 

: Exactly - this issue has been dragged in by the opponents of the reorg
: simply to try to shift focus away from the reorg itself and onto the
: proponents.

Wrong there. It has been shown with quite a lot of certainity
by Jai Maharaj, Ranjan Maitra etc. that there was a threat from
the proponents during the creation of s.r.v., that if the current
moderator of s,r.h did not support s.r.v, they (s.r.v proponents
) will take care of s.r.h in later times. The present re-org
attempt by the same folks should be seen in this light. 

: >The limit of absurdity was when one writer went to the extent of 
: >asking for a DEFINITION of Hinduism WITH his own pre-conditions ! This is 
: >ridiculous.

: No, it's not. See below:

: First, you proceed to state that there is no definition for Hinduism.

: >Well, for such UNLEARNED writers,  the answer is simple - there is no 
: >definition for Hinduism.

: But then, you go on to say:

: >2. Vaishnavas as Hindus
: >     ----------------------------------
: >Ofcourse they are Hindus.

: How do you conclude that? Better yet, why do you conclude that and
: bring it into the discussion if you feel that the whole issue is
: pointless?

Tha fact that Vaishnavas are Hindus or not is not important.
What is important is that the s.r.v proponents did threaten
Ajay (current moderator) if he did not support the proposal
of s.r.v. 

: Remember, this whole issue should have been settled with SRV, but the
: opponents of the reorg keep on bringing it up, over and over. My
: personal position is this - there is no point being dogmatic about
: forcing anyone to call himself or herself a Hindu. Period. 

The argument once again is not about the Hinduness of Vaishavas.
Rather it is the threat which was launched by the current
proponents of s.r.h re-rog.


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