Re: ARTICLE : Proper venue for RFD discussions
Sven Berglund wrote:
> It rather saddens me to see this group, normally devoted to matters in
> which I have a deep interest
I agree!
> The standard procedure is to conduct RFD discussions on news.groups.
Yes, but the moderator allowed discussion on it on srh so that the
readers would get an idea about the RFD. Unfortunately that's being used
to curtail all useful discussion, possibly in the hope of converting
more people to pro-RFD.
It is however extremely hilarious that some of the proponents of the RFD
who are out to reform srh have not managed to conduct even their pet ng
srv in a proper manner. You might know that the postings of a certain
gentleman named Bon Giovanni have been curtailed in srv by the use of a
kill file, which is against the charter. Moreover the person(s) involved
set it up such that it looked as if Bon Giovanni was cancelling his own
posts. Badri Seshadri (one of the proponents of srv) should be
appreciated for his impartiality in investigating this and then openly
admitting this on srv itself.
This kind of situation is not very uncommon as you might know. As is
usual, people who fault others for trivial points and try to impose
their ideas of morality on others, hardly ever follow their set of rules
themselves. A better thing for the srh re-org people would be to try to
clean their closet of all the skeletons and question themselves, whether
they are indeed suitable people to ask others to reform, when they
themselves seem to be lacking in keeping up their word.