
Re: ARTICLE : SRH reorg by who ?

Vivek Sadananda Pai (vivek@cs.rice.edu) wrote:
: In article <4svf04$oul@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
: Viraj Sardesai <vsraj@VNET.IBM.COM> wrote:
: >I oppose SRH reorg. I recall when Alt.Vaishanva was formed, the current
: >supporters of SRH reorg had argued that Vaishnava is a religion separate
: >from Hinduism dating back 600 years. And hence Alt.Vaishnava cannot be
: >be under the then alt.Hindu. Obviously, the proponents of Alt.Vaishnava
: >(if I recall it was Vivek or Sadanand Pai) considered themselves as
: >Vaishnavas and not as Hindus.

: Please cite the relevant portion where any of the reorg proponents
: said as you claim, or please be kind enough to admit that your memory
: isn't what it used to be.

: In fact, this claim was a lie repeated ad nauseum by the opponents of
: the reorg, despite all evidence to the contrary. I have said before
: and I will say it again - I am a Hindu. If you are unwilling or unable
: to understand that, and you want to insist that your faulty memory is
: correct, I have little hope that you'll do the honorable thing and
: apologize for repeating the lie once again.

No Vivek. Not that easy. Did you or did you not say 
that Vaishanavism was atleast 600 yrs older than 
Hinduism. If that is what you claimed, then obviously
you assume that the two are distinct identities.

Nachiketa Tiwari

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