
Re: ARTICLE : SRH Reorganization

Shrisha Rao (shrao@nyx.net) wrote:
: In article <4skjn3$a8t@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
: >
: >	The removal of Ajay Shah as moderator of this newsgroup would be 
: >monumental error.  The given reasons for his removal do not seem to match the 
: >experiences of most people.  

: Where were those reasons given?  How do you have access to the
: experiences of most people?

The same could be said of you to. What are the reasons. What 
access do you have to the experiences of most folks. Also, 
by responding to the charge that Ajay's removal will be
"monumental error" you have actually committed a slip. A
Freudian slip. That the aim IS actually to remove Ajay.

Despite all the good politics that he will be one of the
4 moderators.

Nachiketa Tiwari

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