
Re: SRH Reorg FAQ

Shrisha Rao (shrao@nyx.net) wrote:
: In article <4svfgq$p1g@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
: Ajay Shah  <ajay@mercury.aichem.arizona.edu> wrote:
: >On Fri, 19 Jul 1996, GOPAL Ganapathiraju Sree Ramana wrote:
: >
: >> 
: >> pucca political speech! the simple and straightforward truth is that
: >> you dont want to face a vote.
: >
: >Namaskar,
: >
: >I will ignore the personal attacks.
: >
: >Been there....done it.  Now I am merely protecting the rights of 500+ 
: >people who voted once on the present charter, and have to go through the 
: >voting process once again, merely to satisfy the personal vendetta and 
: >petty politics of a handful few.  That too, just three months after the 
: >creation of the newsgroup.  

: Really!

: By the way, I was one of those 500+ people.  Thanks for protecting
: me.  But what are you protecting me from?  From having to vote again?
: No, thanks.  I can manage that.

: Also, by the way, now it is two weeks short of a year since SRH was
: created.  Not three months.  Still too early, you say?  If so, then by
: your standards SRH will only be ready for a reorg after I am toothless
: and eighty.  Can't we hurry it up a bit?

So, according to you, we should have a re-vote after almost
every year. Considering the time when this re-org proposal
was launched (Dec. 95) it should be after every six months.
I am sure that except for those who are involved in personal
vendetta, I am sure that the six-monthly-vote argument will
be rejected by most of the readers. So, having a re-vote 
when you will be a toothless 80 will be a bit too late, 
having a vote every 6 months is too soon. 

Nachiketa Tiwari

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