Re: Faith & Healing
In article <4r8u94$3da@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
Giri <gmadras@pinto.engr.ucdavis.edu> wrote:
>gururj@erols.com (Gururajan Ramachandran) writes:
>>It appears that the wisdom in Hinduism is finally being discovered
>>by the "scientific" community.
> There has been many scientific studies on yoga and the body. For
>example, the book 'yoga and psychotherapy' extensively deals with this.
>I think Swami Rama was able to change the temperature in the palm of his
That's too bad that all these scientific studies on yoga are just
looking at the body -- really cheapens yoga, IMHO. I mean, c'mon, I
can change the temperature in the palm of my hand by sticking my hand
in the fridge or by sticking my hand in a glass of hot water. But what
has that accomplished? But it's only stuff like that that a certain
segment of scientists are going to look at, unfortunately.
>Science changes its views with new experimental evidence but the essemce
>of yoga and scriptures remain the same.
> For example, the dasa-avatars of Vishnu are linked to show the
>evolution of being according to Darwin. But there is no scriptural support
>for this (as far as i know).
In fact, as far as I can tell, it would take a really twisted view of
the scriptures to come up with this. For example, if one insists that
Matsyaavataara represents the lowest stage of evolution, one must ask
why there were humans (such as Satyavrata Rshi -- maybe I had better
say "human-like lifeforms" since I'm not sure if Rshis are actually a
higher species) present at the same time?
>Darwin's theory is the best science can offer
>right now, but that may change with time and new evidence. Hence association
>of things like avatars to an imperfect science is not only dangerous but
>may look foolish in the long run.
Right; as an orthogonal point, there is also a danger in saying "God
is in the details [the gaps that science hasn't filled in yet]"
because in a few years science might fill those gaps in [since not
even the _greatest_ astrologer can predict what science will come up
with next], and guess what, that person's view of God just
-- Vijay